Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So, hopefully the first of many posts on this blog. Probably not an original idea, but at my friend's request I am finally starting it.

Who am I to think that starting a blog is a good idea?
I'm not a bestselling author of a book that describes our genders as beings from different planets. Though a friend refers to me as the "Date Dr." I have no doctoral degree that is recognized by any accredited institutions of our country. Considering that I'm currently single I'm probably the least qualified to offer whatever it is I intend on sharing with you. I'm just someone in their late 20's that has been in the dating world for over a decade now. I've been on countless 1st dates and 2nd dates...3rd dates, not so much. Anyway, I think I've done enough to offer some insight or, at the very least, let you know that you're not alone in the search for something... special.

What do I have to offer? Well, maybe some opinions on what to drink on a first date or whether going to a strip club on a first date is a good idea (the answer may surprise you). I can be an ass sometimes, but I'm ok with you laughing at me. I don't get embarrassed very easily. I went through a misogynistic phase in my life where I was walking down a public street with my pants down yelling very "misogynistic" obscenities to women around me(I'll blog about that later). That is not where it all starts, but this is not chronological either. If any readers out there have any questions I'm willing to answer them as well.

Why? Like I said, I'm a late 20's singleton and I do nothing but work and date. Ok, that's a lie, I have friends and hobbies, but the dating sector seems to be emphasized these days. Mainly due to my conservative immigrant grandparents heckling me to get married or else I'll die. Ok, they don't say I'll die, but they have that sort of urgency when they do talk about it, which is freakin' often.

Where do I live? I live in sunny Southern California, where the women are hot and they know it. Cars don't rust and everything is pretty, shiny and new. It's a nice place to live but it has it's downsides. We won't go into that cuz it's not really relevant, at least in this blog entry.

How? With one body, two arms, 10 fingers and a computer with an internet connection. Pretty simple, right? Next entry to come shortly, stay tuned.


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